Time Strategies

(Render of a Clock from DeviantArt)
For time strategies to help myself get through this class as well as this semester, I've decided to take steps towards getting my work done sooner. I suffer greatly from lack of motivation and procrastination. I find it hard to force myself to do tasks unless absolutely necessary. Now that I'm taking a 15 hour semester again and working 25 hours a week, I do not have that luxury. I am going to start doing my work as soon as I get it rather than the day before it is due, and start asking myself the questions listed in 4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination. I'll also start making public commitments to doing my work in this way, as mentioned in How to Beat Procrastination so that I am almost pressured into getting my work done in this manner. I need to buckle down and finish these last two semesters to that end.
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