Reading Notes A: Ancient Egypt

(The Great Pyramid of Giza from flickr)
The main reason I chose to do this reading was to focus a bit more on getting information about Set, the Egyptian god of storms and terrifying occurrences like earthquakes and eclipses. So for this reading I decided to read through and focus on the parts that talked about Set in order to learn a little more about him.
What I gathered:
- Set is paired with Nepthys
- He is very jealous of Osiris's works
- Very Evil
- Loved wartime, didn't like times of peace
- Liked starting rebellions
- Plotted to overthrow Osiris through deceit
- Killed Osiris with a chest and followers, and usurped the throne.
- Ruled Egypt through tyranny and killed the followers of Osiris and Isis without mercy
- Found Osiris's body (after it was recovered by Isis) and separated it into 14 parts, casting it into the Nile to be eaten by crocodiles.
- Usurped by Osiris, once Osiris had grown strong enough.
- Laura Gibbs, Ancient Egypt, from
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