Reading Notes A: Sun Wu Kung

(Sun Wukong, from Wikipedia)
To expand my vocabulary and look for more words or phrases to use in my own stories, I chose to do something similar to what I did in my last reading notes post, and look for words I'd like to use in my own stories and find their definitions.
- Midst - In the middle of
- Endowed - Given a quality
- Radiance - Light emitted
- Unconstrained - Not restricted
- Bliss - Perfect happiness
- Sainted - Worthy of being a saint
- Venerable - Accorded a great deal of respect
- Accorded - Given
- Disciples - Personal followers
- Chamber - A large room
- Reverentially - Characterized by reverence
- Reverence - Deep respect
- Murmur - Softly spoken utterance
- Bade - Uttered
- Impudent - Not showing due respect
- Thresh - Separate
- Chinese Folklore, Sun Wu Kung, from UnTextbook
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