Week 8 Comments and Feedback

As far as the feedback I have received thus far from my peers and professor, I'd like to give it all high ratings. There have been several instances where a peer's feedback has led me to a new idea, which is always nice.
For the feedback I give, I'd like to think I'm being fairly constructive and offering advice that provokes thought about the story I'm reading, as well as helping my classmates to further their writing.
I do enjoy having my introduction post as a place where people can learn a bit more about me and understand where I'm coming from. I don't, however, really feel like I know the people whose introductions I comment on. There are a lot of things you can learn about a person and still never really know them, and there's a difference between knowing a person and knowing about them. I feel like that line is toed but not crossed.
I think for the future I should mainly continue taking the advice of my peers, as well as taking some of my own advice from my comments. There have been times when I left a comment on someone's wall and looked back at my own writing, thinking I could apply the advice myself.
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