
Showing posts from December, 2018

Week 15 Reading B: The Warlock

(Grand Warlock of Wikipedia from  Wikimedia Comons ) For part B of the writing I chose to look at the story "The Warlock" from the Russian Folktales unit, part of the European stories unit. I chose this story because I think there is a hidden meaning behind it that I can get behind. There is the meaning of outwitting other people sure, but I also think it has something to do with sticking true to one's beliefs. The old man asks that the daughters remove any means of defeating him before they take their watch, but the third daughter was wise enough not to abandon her prayers or cross, and in the end it saved her. It talks of a meaning of wisdom, but I think it has more to do with piety, or at the very least sticking true to what one holds dear. Bibliography: The Warlock,  from "Russian Fairy Tales" by W.R.S. Ralston, found on  UnTextbook

Week 15 Reading A: The Bad Wife

(Yelling Woman from  Pixabay ) For this week I chose to look at the story of The Bad Wife from the Russian part of the European stories section. In this story, I greatly liked the character shift over time of the peasant as he learned from his foil: his own wife! He learned how to manipulate people and gained wisdom through manipulating her into doing what he wanted. This eventually led to him being smart enough to outwit the demon, and ended with him getting everything he could possibly hope for. Evolving characters are great for stories, so hopefully I can work something like this into a story of my own. Bibliography: The Bad Wife, a Russian fairy tale from "Russian Fairy Tales" by W.R.S. Ralston, found on  UnTextbook