Week 12 Reading Notes A: Beowulf

Image result for chris hemsworth
(Chris Hemsworth by Gage Skidmore from Wikimedia Commons)

  For this section of reading notes over the story of Beowulf, I chose to take the Hollywood casting option. The potential candidates and explanations I lined up for Beowulf are as follows:

  • Chris Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth for me just sort of looks the part. On top of that, he has experience in playing mythological characters that are very gruff and strong.
  • 2004 Brad Pitt, or more specifically, "Troy" Brad Pitt. This one actually has a more characteristic explanation. In my opinion, Brad Pitt's performance in "Troy" was outstanding, and I think he represents the quality of acting needed to portray such a character.


  • Strafford Riggs, The Story of Beowulf, from UnTextbook


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